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:( my mac is too bad to play but from what i have seen game looks great.

i love the concept 


I would love to have her sit on my face😋

i'll be playing this during a live stream tonight at 6pm eastern time  as part of my new series "small games saturdays" yours will be the 3rd on the list here is the link to my twitch

got stuck on the second to last pluzzle


played a bit of this


Very pretty aesthetics! I don't know how I solved those last few puzzles, but I did XD

The 9 piece puzzles were extremely frustrating but they were solvable. Overall it was a good game.


Hello! I loved your game, it was beautifully designed and had a wonderful little story as well as challenging puzzles. I made a let's play of your game here~

Loved the style of this, and the puzzles kept me interested. For a 3 day jam, you've done a remarkable job of telling a story in an interesting way.

Good style. Wonderfull project!

Hey there! I want to say I absolutely loved this game. The message of the game was executed amazingly and I love the concept. The watercolor style impressed me quite a lot and I would love to see more. I hope you don't mind, but I've also made a let's play of the game. Thank you for contributing to the gaming community. :)

This game was really cool! I'm bad at puzzles, but the art style made up for it!

I absolutley love the art style in this game, and the little creatures that you deliver gems to just adds that extra bit of fantastical nature to the game, which I loved. It was amazing how the story was conveyed without words, especially when it slowly dawned on my what was going on! I did make a small gameplay video for the game and if you got the chance to check it out I'd really appreciate it! In the meantime, keep up the good work and the amazing artistry!


I like the game alot and hope that this game gets a sequal to the game.I was mayby suggesting that in the sequal,the girl can find a way to bring back her brother/friend.Thanks for making this awesone puzzel game.(Even though i struggled a bit on the puzzels)

Thank you for making this game, RusnakLab. It pulls on my heartstrings like a good game should.  The story was simple but effective and the music was filled with passion. Keep up the good work! 

Hey there, I played your game and made a video on it, i am not really good at puzzle games so it took me awhile to do the puzzles but i still really enjoyed it a lot, it got my brain thinking, keep up the amazing work you are doing! 

Loved the art style. Good work!

i love it x3

A very interesting game! The setting and the art style were amazing. The puzzle sliding concept was an intriguing one.

I look forward to the games you put out in the future! Keep up the good work!


Great experience, amazing music and atmosphere.


Congrats, you made it to my comedy series. I really injoy playing it, is a very calm, relaxing game.. Keep up the good work!


Hi there! 

My name is Shahidah and I'm just a Youtuber from Malaysia.

Just run into your game and it's beautiful!! 

Would you mind if I record the gameplay and monetize the video on Youtube? 

Thanks and have a great day ahead!



Sure thing Shahidah, go ahead :)

Thank you so much!! <3

Yeah, sure, no problem!

Thank you so much! <3


Very impressed. Even not liking the mechanic the game is built around it hit me in the end. Love it. 


A very good game, I have always liked this artistic style of gameplay and if this was expanded I could see this being very popular.  If I find it on gamejolt you will have my support there too.  5/5.

YouTube: Fellowplayer




Heya Hiya! I dida YouTube video on this game, I really liked this!

(4 edits) (+1)

Wow, I really liked the graphics and I got a little confused at the start becuase I didn't realise the controls were so simple but nonethless it made for a great little game and could easily be expanded on.

Great work debvs



Sweet game you made! To be honest I thought 'twas gonna be easy, instead it became a pretty though challenge, so I'll give you that :D Loved the art style and the atmosphere too, relaxing yet sentimental, a very cool experience indeed.

I made a video playing your game: 

if you want to check, best of luck for your future projects, cheers!


Featured in my Indie Games Exhibit episode (timestamped)


The art was just astonishing and the gameplay was an easy kinda hard but i really enjoyed it

Simple yet powerful


This looks great, do you mind uploading the game to I'm weary about dropbox links disappearing :O

too late... its gone...

I uploaded the game, thanks for the comment :)
Soon there will be versions for other platforms.

Admin (1 edit)

Actually, while I have your attention. Can you remove the Dropbox link entirely? Dropbox links don't work in the "External url" field, since it expects to get a URL that is a direct link to the file, not another website where you can download the file. Right now if someone clicks the download button it won't work.

Thanks, we have removed the link.